Jeremy Miller

Sep 24, 20214 min

How To Start a Podcast (For Under $100)

Updated: Dec 2, 2021

TLDR Benefits of starting a podcast:

  • grow your network

  • build your authority

  • polish your speaking skills

  • gain confidence speaking with people

  • have conversations with high-level guests

  • get more comfortable speaking on camera

There are over 500 million blogs on the internet right now while there are only 550,000 active podcasts. But that number is rapidly growing. Which means right now the prime time to start your own podcast.

While there are millions of blogs started every year, last year there were only 25,000 new podcasts launched. But the listeners and number of episode downloads continue to increase significantly each year.

What does this mean?

Right now you have a chance to stick your flag into a medium that is still in it’s toddler stages and growing at a rapid rate. It’s like starting a blog back in 2009-2010. Now is the time!

So don’t wait! If you’ve ever thought about starting a podcast I challenge you to just do it! Just start! And here is the equipment and software you need to do it.

The good news?

You don’t have to have a large budget to start a great podcast.

The best part?

Most fans of podcasts are not casual listeners.

This dedication by the listener creates a community for your brand that you can cultivate into customers. Not only can you nurture new and existing customers, you can rely on your listeners for customer feedback that you can use to improve your business. Loyal listeners are loyal customers, and the effort put into your community pays back as brand affinity

As we continue advancing in the digital age, more and more businesses are launching podcasts as a powerful way to reach new customers and engage with existing customers. In 2021, podcasts are easy and cheap to make. So why not diversify your marketing channels with an ongoing opportunity to connect with your audience, personalize your brand, and grow your business.

Diversify acquisition and distribution channels so a social platform can never pull the rug from beneath you.
- Web Smith

If you own a business, here are some reasons why you should start a podcast:
Podcasts develop your brand.

There are approximately 90 million listeners in the U.S. Consumers have changed the way they consume content and interact with brands.

On top of that, your podcast is an owned channel where you can control your brand’s message and position your business in the most strategic light.

When listeners subscribe to your podcast, they are opting in to hearing from you on a regular basis. By starting a podcast and releasing episodes on a consistent schedule, you can stay at the top of your customers’ minds and stand out from the competition, building a level of brand loyalty that deepens over time.

Why Does Podcasting work?

People today feel more divided than united—and it’s all too easy to see why.

Podcasts are personal.

Sprout Social surveyed consumers about their expectations for brands that find themselves uniquely positioned to foster connections between people online.

They found…

  • 91% of people believe in social’s power to connect people.

  • 64% of consumers want brands to connect with them.

  • 70% of consumers feel more connected to brands with CEOs that are active on social.

Podcasts are also infused with everyday life. Since podcasts are designed for mobile consumption, people will listen to shows anywhere and everywhere. Your podcast is a chance to create an intimate connection and reach your audience in new and more personal settings, while also finding where your brand fits into your customers’ lives.

How to Start A Podcast (For Cheap)

To start a podcast, at a bare minimum, you need to:

  • Come up with the concept of your show (a topic, name, format, and target length for each episode).

Wait. You've finally decided to start your podcast. You're so excited! But now you have to come up with a name for it. The last thing you want is for people to confuse your show with another one. That's why you should read this article on how to come up with a unique and creative name for your podcast that will help it stand out from the rest in no time!

  • Design artwork and write a description to “brand” your podcast.

  • You can use cheap sites like Fiverr to have podcast artwork made.

  • Record and edit your audio files (such as MP3s). A microphone is recommended (more on podcast equipment later).

  • Read Hustler’s “9 Best Podcast Starter Kits in 2021 (On A Budget)” for cheap equipment ideas

  • Find a place to host your files (such as a file host that specializes in podcasts, like Libsyn or Podbean).

The core value of creating a podcast is the community you create around your brand. Your listeners become raving fans. You’re able to nurture trust way more deeper in a 30 minute talk show versus three minute videos on your social media. Afterall, the average watch time on social media sites is less than 10 seconds.

Most fans of podcasts are not casual listeners. This dedication by the listener creates a community for your brand that you can cultivate into customers. Not only can you nurture new and existing customers, you can rely on your listeners for customer feedback that you can use to improve your business. Loyal listeners are loyal customers, and the effort put into your community pays back as brand affinity.

Want to learn more about podcasting? Ready my listicle:

14 Curated Resources For Launching Your Podcast

Want to read more on how podcasting creates trust in your market?

Creating Trust With Your Audience With a Podcast

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